DELENA STELENA The Vampire Diaries tv series TVD vampire diaries

The Vampire Diaries and How I love It!

Today, when I woke up, I was kind of sad that my dream ended. I dreamed about being in world of The Vampire Diaries. I know it’s a die-hard fanatic mentality, but I always think about TVD and the cast behind it, especially Damon, Stefan and Elena, wondering who will end up with whom.

No one ever advised me to watch it, I just heard some friends talking about it and so when I had the chance, I did. And it was awesome, I simply love it! The story line, the characters, the plot, it was perfect! The characters have greatly captured my attention. They were not trying too hard to be vampires; it’s as if they were vampires all their life Lol! And they are very good in portraying their roles. They are really into with their character that’s why they have built a solid fan base.

DELENA- a fan club for DAMON and ELENA, badly wants to have a DELENA ending with the TVD series. And we have STELENA- those who love the team up of STEFAN and ELENA. Wow, this is just getting crazy!☺ 😀 When I first fell in love with the series, I badly wanted DAMON to be the STEFAN or shall I say I wanted Ian to be the Stefan. However, later on, I realized that the characters just fit exactly to them. Ian as DAMON is simply astonishing, the way he handles his role is very effective and adorable, so as ELENA and STEFAN and the rest of the cast of TVD. I simply love the series!

Note: I’m not a part, in anyway, of the advertising team of the show. Lol!


7 thoughts on “The Vampire Diaries and How I love It!”

  1. It's been ages since I have last seen a movie. Not into it now. That being said, I don't have anything to say about this movie because I haven't watched it. Lol.

  2. i am never a fan of vampires haha even with kirsten stewert before from the start of the movie i get bored already. though my sister is a fan of them infact she has a really old book that she haven't started reading yet its all about vampire things hehe

  3. hehehe you would make a great part of the advertising team of the show! makes me want to watch vampire diaries too 🙂 hmmm I hope you dream about being a part of the story again, and I hope to see you in your dream 🙂 happy watching!

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