It’s been a while since I last posted something about cooking. Now allow me to make some quick post about how to make a peanut butter. I know it’s not something that’s very difficult to make, as the ingredients are almost readily available in your kitchen. But if you want a better alternative than than the commercial ones, then this one is for you. Home made peanut butter doesn’t have preservatives so it’s much healthier plus you are also confident that it is made from clean and safe ingredients.
2 kg of fried peanut butter (You can opt to have it roasted and peeled)
Butter (Dari Creme)
1kg sugar
A pinch of salt
1. Set up your blender with a metal blade, add 1kg of peanuts, 1/4 butter and blend.
2. Continue blending the mixture until you achieve your desired consistency.
3. You can add sugar or salt depending on your taste preference.
For my 2kg of roasted peanut, I added 3/4 of the butter and 1kg of sugar. I also added a pinch of salt to taste.
So that’s about it. I really love peanut butter and after having successfully making my own, I must say I prefer it more than commercial ones.